Clackamas County is having a public hearing for Planning File ZDO-254, Marijuana-Related Land Uses

Planning Commission: Mon, Oct. 26, 2015 at 6:00 PM. , Abernathy Center, 606 15th St. Oregon City,

Board of County Commissioners, Mon. Nov. 23, 2015 9:30 AM. Public Services Bldg. 4th Floor, 2051 Kaen Rd. Oregon City

Residents in the Mt. Hood area received this notice by mail with the following statements to be included in the notice:

Clackamas County has determined that adoption of Planning File ZDO-254 may affect the permissible uses of your property and other properties in the affected zones, and may change the value of your property. 

Underneath that statement on the postcard ,this statement follows: However, Clackamas County has not determined that this action will change the value of any property. 

Well, whether it will or not, it is certainly implied values of properties could change with these two statements so as a property owner in Clackamas County we all should be paying a lot of attention to what the county is putting out to the public about our property values.

Here is a link to the Clackamas County website that explains more about the hearings and changes that may be coming.