Baggage of the financial meltdown:

Mortgage loans are getting more difficult to get these days. Mortgage broker compensation is under attack by the Feds with difficult interpretive regulations. Community banks are failing left and right reducing a buyers choice for a lender. The big four banks are making the majority of loans these days. Less competition means less choice for the consumer.

Here is a recent statement made by the Kansas City Fed president at a financial meeting about our post economic crisis:

What is the Volker Rule? This link will give an explanation.

For the less squeamish, here is a new article on our financial mess and how Wall Street crime goes unpunished, here is a link to the latest Rolling Stone article Why Isn't Wall Street in jail? coming out in March 2011. This article is about compensation packages, investor fraud, accounting fraud, symbiotic relationships of the criminals and the enforcers and how nothing happens to the perpetrators.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox for today!